Hey,我是黎子豪(lizihao, @Moi),毕业于湖南交通工程学院,是一名前端工程师,学习前端已经有4年的时间了,从最初的Html/css基础,到JavaScript,再到现在的Vue/electron/webpack/vite,在学习vue,react等框架中 我具备良好的代码编程习惯及文档编写能力,有良好的代码风格,注重代码质量,善于发现以及解决问题。
熟练解决各种浏览器兼容问题,理解 W3C 标准与 ES 规范,熟悉 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 等 Web 基础以及常用浏览器兼容方案
熟悉常见的前端调试工具,能够高保真还原设计稿,具备良好的代码风格以及接口、架构设计能力。熟悉 JS 性能优化,
熟练使用 MVVM 模式进行项目设计
熟练掌握 PC 端和移动端的布局方式,如响应式布局以及流式布局,并能根据业务需求,封装高复用、可维护性好的前端组件。
基于 Webpack 搭建项目,实现项目工程化。并使用 flex 弹性布局实现自适应布局。
Hey, I am Huang, Xuan (a.k.a. @huxpro). I worked on the React Team at FacebookMeta.
I considered myself as a hybrid between a software engineer specifically into the programming languages theories and implementations domain (i.e. compiler, type system, type-based formal verification, virtual machine, runtime systems, garbage collection), and a creative technologiest deeply caring about many humanistic aspects (e.g. visual, sound, interaction) in UI and HCI in general.
I also worked on the Hermes JavaScript Engine, some other projects under the Reality Labs (Research), and ReasonML (now ReScript) efforts at Meta (Facebook).
In the past, I worked on Alitrip (Fliggy) mobile and web apps under the Alibaba Group, found and lead front-end infrastructure team at an unicorn startup company Beijing Weiying (a.k.a. WePiao, now acquired by Maoyan), and helped Ele.me (now acquired by Alibaba) to upgrade their mobile web site into the first influential PWA (progressive web app) in China.
I studied BA, Digital Media Art at Communication University of China and MS, Computer Science (with a focus on programming languages, mainly supervised by Prof. Matthew Fluet) at Rochester Institute of Technology.